Простите, дорогие, сейчас просто нет времени на перевод.
Получила письмо, в котором просят проголосовать о возврате и восстановлении храма св.Софии,но необходимо 1000000 голосов.
Restoring St. Sophia
To all of you who are Greek and/or Orthodox and to all of you who support
freedom of religion and protection of fundamental rights :
The European Parliament is pressuring the Turkish Government to
Restore Saint Sophia Cathedral from a museum into a Greek Orthodox Church.
However the Parliament has set a requirement of 1.000.000 signatures on a
petition before it makes this conversation a prerequisite for Turkey's
Admission into the European Union.
You are requested to cast your vote by logging on to a link at
WWW.hagiasophiablog.com .
This is an opportunity for each of you to have an Impact on world events.
Get as many Greek Orthodox, other Orthodox and Christian friends of yours to
sign the petition and make history.